The Life of Action

Apr 25

Pick your Professor

What should you focus your time and attention on if you want your life to be more meaningful? Should philosophy be put in the service of action? Or is the main role of philosophy to feed our contemplative sides? Today we consider one proposal — the good life is one dedicated to justice and action on behalf of the good.  

By the end of this day, you will:

  1. Understand the ways in which Martin Luther King uses the image of Socrates to defend activism
  2. Consider whether King’s argument for civil disobedience is sound
  3. Debate the role that social structures play in determining the value and meaning of individual lives
  4. Consider current social and political structures that King’s arguments might apply to.

Read This:

PrimaryInteractive Essay: Letter from a Birmingham Jail (Martin Luther King Jr)

Secondary: The Necessity of Action?

Do This:


  • After you’ve finished today’s reading, make sure you complete the reading quiz, which you can access through your section’s Canvas page.

Optional: Is there any movement today that you think everyone should support? What’s one thing you could to right now (or: today) to support this movement? Are you likely to take that action?

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