Embrace the Absurd

Mar 21

Pick your Professor

Is religious faith absurd or paradoxical? Is the person of faith called to transcend the rational and moral realms? What does it mean to have an authentic religious faith? In this session, we look at existentialist philosopher Soren Kierkegaard’s theory of faith. Kierkegaard meditates on the apparent absurdity and immorality of Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son Isaac in order to demonstrate his faith in God.  

We have three main learning goals for this day. You will:

  1. Identify and comparatively evaluate both fideistic and rationalist theories of faith
  2. Describe the key features of existentialist philosophy, especially as it applies to questions of rational religious faith
  3. Understand the Christian existentialism that Kierkegaard championed and ways in which it differs from natural theology
  4. Reflect on how the moral theories we studied earlier in the course affect appropriate philosophical apologies for God’s actions.

Read This:

Primary readings:  

Secondary: Taking the Leap (Again?)

Do This:


  • After you’ve finished today’s reading, make sure you complete the reading quiz, which you can access through your section’s Canvas page.

Suggested: Have you ever believed something even in the face of overwhelming evidence that it wasn’t true? Something absurd? Why would someone ever be tempted to do such a thing?

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